Thursday, 21 May 2020

Music Theory

I have noticed that many or most of the successful pop musicians incorporated God or references to God and his Word, into some of their lyrics, in some way, and I have a theory that this is why the music was blessed by God and went mainstream.  The singers were not ashamed of God, so God was not ashamed of them.

For example,

Sex Pistols - God save the Queen

Heaven 17 - Temptation ('lead us not into temptation')

Beatles - Let it be (Mother Mary comes to me)

Bowie - God knows I'm good, Word on a wing

Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight (a prayer? 'I can hear it coming in the air tonight, O Lord')

Supertramp - Soap box opera ('Father Washington.... collecting sinners in an old tin cup')

Elton John - Dear God

Andrew Lloyd Webber - Joseph

Donny Osmond - Let my people go

Billy Joel - Ain't no crime

Jackson 5 - If'N I was God

Coldplay - God put a Smile on my Face

Led Zeppelin - In my time of Dying, Stairway to Heaven

The Who - Love Reign o'er Me.

Bruce Springsteen - Adam Raised a Cain

Bee Gees - The Lord

Simon and Garfunkel - Mrs Robinson

Bob Marley - One Love

U2 - Until the End of the World

The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn!

Frank Sinatra - Lost in the Stars, That's What God Looks Like to Me.

AC/DC - Highway to Hell

Taylor Swift - Soon you'll get better

Beach Boys - God Only Knows

The Rolling Stones - God gave me everything I want, Sympathy for the Devil

"Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." - Luke 9:26

"The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice," - Philippians 1:18

(I think it may also work with books, eg. Jeffrey Archer - Kane and Abel, also I believe Jeffrey Archer said his writing technique involves praying for ideas and direction)

Friday, 10 April 2020

The benefits of sunlight, fresh air, nasal breathing and prayer

"As with the current Covid-19 outbreak, most of the victims of so-called `Spanish flu’ did not die from influenza: they died of pneumonia and other complications...

...medics found that severely ill flu patients nursed outdoors recovered better than those treated indoors. A combination of fresh air and sunlight seems to have prevented deaths among patients; and infections among medical staff. There is scientific support for this. Research shows that outdoor air is a natural disinfectant. Fresh air can kill the flu virus and other harmful germs. Equally, sunlight is germicidal and there is now evidence it can kill the flu virus."


"Records from an “open-air” hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, suggest that some patients and staff were spared the worst of the outbreak. A combination of fresh air, sunlight, scrupulous standards of hygiene, and reusable face masks appears to have substantially reduced deaths among some patients and infections among medical staff."


"The application of cold pure air to the interior surface of the lungs is the most powerful sedative that can be applied, and does more to promote the healing of cavities and ulcers of the lungs than any other means that can be employed...

...By the 1850s, Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) was writing about the importance of sunlight and copious amounts of fresh air in the recovery of hospital patients, but her ideas were slow to gain acceptance....

...In 1919, Hill wrote in the British Medical Journal that the best way to combat influenza infection was deep breathing of cool air and sleeping in the open."


"Breathing through nose is a healthy habit approved by researchers and it is also helpful in cure of flu. Because normal nose breathing help us to use nitric oxide generated in our sinuses. And research told us that nitric oxide has confirmed function of destruction of viruses, parasitic organisms, and malignant cells in the airways and lungs by inactivating their respiratory chain enzymes."

"For centuries, families and individuals facing medical crises have made prayer the bedrock of their experience. What is new is that certain segments in the medical community are beginning scientifically to study the effects of prayer on illnesses and injuries. And they are discovering that there is a growing body of evidence that suggests prayer can be an effective tool for combating illness and ..."


"Being in the ICU (intensive care unit) raises your risk of pneumonia. Your risk increases if you are using a ventilator to help you breathe. Ventilators make it hard for you to cough and can trap germs that cause infection in your lungs."


"Arterial oxygenation (PaO2) increases and pulmonary vascular resistance may decrease by adding Nitric Oxide-containing air, derived from the patient's own nose, to the inspired air [for patients on a ventilator]."


"Lying flat on your back for a long time can increase your risk of developing pneumonia. So find out when it's safe for you to start sitting up and walking around.
Do breathing exercises. Try taking 10-15 big, deep breaths each hour. You may also use an incentive spirometer to check your lung function."


"According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 6% of hospital patients get an infection while staying at the hospital,"


"Respiratory infections are the most common occupational disease among the health care staff.... Respiratory infections are the most common occupational diseases


"If you do become ill, DO NOT feed the virus or the Candida with sugar. Yes, you need to drink a lot of fluids, but don’t drink sodas and sugary juices at this time."


130 Hertz:

Saturday, 4 April 2020

The Duty of Mankind.

"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind." - Ecclesiastes 12:13

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Advice from Spain

[Note: BBC best advice is to keep washing hands.]

1. Drink lots of hot liquid - coffees, teas, soups, warm water - take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes, keep mouth moist and washes away any virus that may have entered your mouth into your stomach where gastric juices neutralize virus.

2. Gargle with an antiseptic in warm water (like vinegar, salt, lemon) every day if possible.

3. The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes, any detergent or soap kills it, but you must take a bath or shower when you get in, avoid sitting down anywhere but go straight to bathroom; if you cannot wash clothes daily, hang them in direct sunlight which also neutralizes the virus;

4. Wash metallic surfaces very carefully because the virus can remain viable on these for up to 9 days, taken not and be vigilant about touching hand-rails, door handles etc... keep clean and wipe down regularly;

5. Don't smoke

6. Wash your hands every 20 minutes using any soap that foams, do this for 20 seconds, and wash hands thoroughly;

7. Eat fruit and vegetables, try to elevate your zinc levels not just vitamin C levels;

8. Animals do not spread the virus to people; it is person to person transmission;

9. Try to avoid getting the common flu, because this I guess already weakens your system; and try to avoid eating and drinking cold things;

10. If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above methods; the virus enters this way and stays in throat 3 or 4 days before passing into the lungs.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, ..

There is a popular mantra which goes:

'Be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy'.

But I think God says greed is always a sin.  Greed is taking more than you need.  In the 'Our Father' it says to pray: 'Give us each day our daily bread'.  God's people rely on God's grace for their daily bread just as the birds do. 

Jesus said "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will ear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" - Matthew 6:25-26

'Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions' - Luke 12:15

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Wise men

It was wise men that came from the east to worship Jesus at his birth, but the ruler of the day, Herod, and the people of Jerusalem (the Jews) were troubled by his birth (Matthew 2: 3).


I guess they were more interested in money and power, and not interested in anything that could challenge this.

Wise men worship Jesus

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Bhagavad Gita

"When thy mind leaves behind its dark forest of delusion, thou shalt go beyond the scriptures of times past and still to come

When they mind, that may be wavering in the contradictions of many scriptures, shall rest unshaken in divine contemplation, then the goal of Yoga is thine."

Gita 2:52-53

Sunday, 1 March 2020

God blesses unity

"How good and pleasant it is
    when God’s people live together in unity!
 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
    running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
    down on the collar of his robe.

It is as if the dew of Hermon

    were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing,    even life forevermore." - Psalm 133

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Three in One

'Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one' (Deuteronomy 6:4).  The Hebrew word for 'one' used here is 'echad' which means 'one' in the collective sense.  There are several examples in English, such as 'flock', 'herd', and 'family', which refer to groups of birds, cattle and persons, yet collectively are one.  So God is echad - 'one' in the collective sense.

The first name for God in the Bible - in Genesis 1:1 - is Elohim, which is plural, thus, literally meaning 'Gods'.

So 'In the beginning God [Elohim, plural] created the heavens and the earth'. and then later in verse 26 it says; 'The God [Elohim] said, 'Let us make mankind in our image''.

In Genesis 2:24 it reads 'a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh'.  Can two persons really be one person, one body, one flesh?  They are two persons but are one through their unity in love.

And this is how it is with the Trinity.  3 persons are one in the love they have for one another.

In John 17:11. Jesus, in his prayer to His Father, asked 'that they [his disciples] be one as we are one'.  Jesus is stating that He and God the Father are 'One' in the same way that Jesus' followers are 'one' in our love for one another.

- paraphrased from 'Three in One' from Sign of the Times, January 2020

'Two is better than one, but a cord of 3 strands is not easily broken' - Ecclesiastes 3:12